All Youth One System Programs Services Provide:
- Job and readiness workshops
- Part-time and full- time jobs
- Fun and exciting community activities and field trips
- Academic tutoring
- No cost training
West Hills College Coalinga has been commissioned by the Fresno Workforce Development Board to serve students ages 14-21 years from the Huron, Riverdale, Coalinga,and Caruthers Unified School Districts. Through this program participants are provided the following services to reach their goals.
- Tutoring - Staff assisted & computerized activities helping youth to be successful in school. Possible cash incentives & bonuses based on improvement.
- Alternative Secondary School Services - Different schooling options when studies in a regular high school environment are not working.
- Summer Employment Opportunities - Jobs during the summer months, working between 20 and 30 hours per week. Classroom activities will also be provided helping youth increase reading & math skills. Possible cash incentives & bonuses during classroom involvement.
- Paid Work Experience - Jobs providing training & skills in career field of interest. Receive minimum wage for hours worked. Hours will depend on availability and age.
- Occupational Skills Training - No cost training necessary to qualify for future jobs. Program can purchase the books and supplies needed.
- Leadership Development Opportunities - Learn to reach your goals, to solve problems, and to work with others as an effective team, through training experiences and community projects.
- Adult/Peer Mentoring - Match a caring person with a youth to provide support and advice on being successful in achieving goals and dreams.
- Comprehensive Guidance & Counseling - A professional who will help youth to decide on career interests and plan for achievement in a future job or success in school.
- Supportive Services - Can provide assistance with childcare, bus tokens and clothing based on the need of the individual.
- Follow-up Services - Regular contact with participant after leaving program providing any additional help necessary to ensure continued success.
This program is funded by the Fresno Area Workforce Investment Corporation, the administrative entity of the Fresno County Workforce Investment Board, proud members of America’s Workforce Network.
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